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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Networking: 5 Peolple You Should Get To Know

These are 5 people (according that you should get to know personally. These people can help you out in life:

1. Your competitors

2. Local media persons

3. Non-profit organizations leaders

4. A lawyer or two

5. A politician

Any questions?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cats Do Have 9 Lives

A cat named Felix was found alive and well beneath the rubble of a six-story building in Cologne that collapsed five weeks ago. Cats don't have 9 lives for nothing.

Bad Luck for Motorist

A elderly motorist in Germany was in three accidents in one hour. First she was involved in a seven car accident at a local supermarket. She was only slightly in that one. Next she was driving home, and her foot accidentally over stepped on the gas pedal. Her car went across a lawn and struck a house. She was taken to hospital in an ambulance but that vehicle was then hit by a truck.

After all of this she was still alright. It was fortunate that no one was seriously hurt in any of the accidents.

I think she need to stay put a home and get someone to run her errands for her

What Female Chimps Like

If you a male a male chimpanzee (literally) and you are trying to attract a female chimpanzee, offer her steak. Zoologists have done a study that female chimps are attracted more to male chimps who share their raw steak with them.

Madoff's Unsed Tickets

Are you a NY Met's fan? Well you going to have a chance to get some ticket. Bernard Madoff (the guy that is in deep financial trouble) Is selling his season baseball tickets. It will go to the highest bidder of Ebay. I wonder will that include popcorn, peanuts and soda?

The Safest State

I was hearing from people which state they think is the safest state to live in, and I heard mostly New Jersey. I have to agree with on that. There have not been any recent crimes in the news or at least aired on the news about crimes happening there. I wonder why? I guess I got to research that.
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