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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mix and mingle

To get anywhere in this world today, you have to learn how to mix and mingle with others. People can help or hurt you, but they can do neither if you avoid them. Sometimes being alone makes you depressed, but in the company of another, you night could turn into day. Answer this question: Would you like leaving this world not known by anyone? Get up. Get out. Meet somebody.


Anonymous said...

That's exactly why I came. I came to meet you! :-)
Thanks for dropping by at my blog and for the comment.
Have a great day! Shalom

BroTee said...

You can really meet a lot of bloggers if you want to via Entrecard. Check out this post

SheR. said...

Wise words. Thanks for visiting my blog for a dose of sweets!
I believe in that too! I can't live one day without human interaction.
I get hurt a lot of times but that's how I learn.
There are plenty of good people around so I'm still hoping to meet them! :)

phoenix said...

We are all somehow interconnected. For those we have met in our lifetimes, they have taught us all some valuable lesson, however big, small, good or bad, or even if unknowingly done so. And as they teach us many things, we also give them new insight on their lives and the world around them!

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